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His Holiness Sri Sri Janardananda Saraswati Swamiji was a vadic Scholar par excellence; He preached Vadic rituals and traditions with highest devotion while embracing sanyaas.Swamiji envisioned the following ideas and strived to bring about a revival of our heritage.


  • Revitalise Vedic Studies by promoting regional Vedic Schools, conferences.Providing Quality Veda Vidya, Conduct Examinations and given Cerrtifacation to the deserving students who are next generation Vedic Scholars.

  • Honour Vadic Scholars and encourage them with due recognition and respect.

  • Establish "Tapovans" at important pilgrim centers to promote spirituality and raise inner consciousness in public at large.

  • Promote proper propitiation of Veda maata Gayatri Mantra.


Sri Janardhananda Saraswati Swmay Smiriti Trust is in the forefront of meeting above objectives in ten districts of Talangana and conducted Vedic conferences in the last ten successive years. Initiatives were also taken to the four districts of Ralalaseema by conducting bi-annual events.


These efforts have instilled confidence in the people pursuing Vedic Studies and many are encouraged to join the instutions. What started off with single digit participation ten years back is now a movement directly helping hundreds of families with employment and conservation of our rich Vedic culture. This year about two hundred students are taking examinations in Four Vedas and Sixty Vedic Scholars are expected to take part in the conference.


The Trust expresses its profound gratitude to Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams and Sri Ahobila Mutt, Hyderabad for sponsoring the event of this year. The following events are organised this year and we wish your support to take the above objectives and Vedic traditions forward.

© 2001 SJSSS Trust

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